Merry Christmas gentlemen.


Welcome gentle men.


One year ago today, I finished Songmonth IV. It's wild how much things have changed since then. When I made that album, I knew things were going to start changing pretty quickly so I'm glad I did it. I haven't written much since then. I just haven't been in the right headspace. I still don't feel settled in Boise just yet, maybe once I have some actual work that will change. I do have the Footprints song written, but that is pretty much it. I have a bunch of half-assed ideas too, but no real songs. Maybe I should collaborate with the spiders in my apartment.


Well it's three months later and now I have more work than I probably should. I'm working a shitty hotel AV job full time and while the pay and bennies are sick, I hate it. I'm also still working at the radio station, which often kills my weekends. But hey last weekend I made a bunch of progress on the Footprints song, and Cigarette Speedway has some songs on the way too. My four track plays them back too fast though. I'm going back to Oregon for Thanksgiving too, which I'm super excited for. I haven't been back in the 6 months since I moved to Boise. I thought about taking the Eagle van to Ontario when they had me drive it around for a few hours last summer, but I quickly realized how much I hate driving that piece of shit van so I scrapped that plan.